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Uganda Second Working Group Meeting On Lead Exposure

The Second Working Group Meeting, held on June 4, 2024, at Hotel Africana in Uganda, marked a significant milestone in the Lead Pilot Project aimed at reducing lead pollution and exposure in Uganda. The meeting was organized by the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (GAHP), with support from Pure Earth, bringing together experts and stakeholders from various sectors to address the pressing issue of lead contamination.

Key Highlights:

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The second working group (WG) meeting aimed to craft interventions tailored to reduce lead exposure in Uganda. The meeting highlighted the outcomes of the first WG meeting and discussed feedback on lead Uganda preliminary assessment report prepared by GAHP. The meeting discussed various interventions for the environmentally sound management of lead that were proposed during the first WG meeting. The proposed intervention options were categorized and evaluated under policy, regulatory and institutional options. The WG prioritized and justified the top five interventions in each category. In addition, the WG also deliberated on recommendations for the next project phases geared at the reduction of lead pollution and exposure in Uganda.

Uganda 2nd Group Photo

Meeting Outputs:

  • A list of policy, regulatory, and institutional interventions for the reduction of lead exposure in Uganda.

  • Prioritization and justifications of the top 5- policy, regulatory, and institutional intervention options.

  • Top 5 recommendations and justification for the next project phases aimed at environmentally sound management of lead in Uganda.

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Next Steps:

  • Streamlining policy, regulatory and institutional interventions for reduction of lead exposure in Uganda.

  • Stakeholder and development partner engagements to discuss the possible next project phases.

  • Proposals for the next project phases aimed at the reduction of lead pollution and exposure in Uganda.