Pollution and Health: A Global Public Health Crisis
Découvrez notre rapport principalGAHP Advocates for a Dedicated Panel on Chemicals, Waste, and Pollution
The Global Alliance on Health and Pollution has long been convinced that there is a need for a dedicated mechanism to bridge the gap between science and policy in the realm of chemicals and waste management and in preventing pollution. To design and implement effective policies, scientific evidence that is universally recognized as authoritative and credible needs to be presented in ways that are accessible to policymakers.
A new science policy panel on chemicals, waste, and pollution to fulfill this function would address the third planetary crisis and complement existing science-policy bodies such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
In March 2022, at the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), Member States decided through Resolution UNEA 5/8 that an independent Inter-Governmental Science-Policy Panel should be established to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution. The Resolution established an ad Hoc Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) for a Science Policy Panel to prepare a detailed proposal that could be adopted by a formal Intergovernmental Meeting in 2025. The OEWG’s mandate includes preparing detailed proposals for the structure, functions, and operations of the science-policy panel.
GAHP strongly supported developing countries in the negotiation of Resolution 5.8 and has been equally active in refining the proposals at the 3 sessions of the OEWG.
“We hope that by providing authoritative global assessments and highlighting innovative solutions, this panel will play a pivotal role in raising awareness and mobilizing the political will needed to tackle these critical issues. We believe bridging the gap between science and policy is essential for creating a healthier, safer, and more sustainable future for all,” said GAHP Senior Advisor Jill Hanna.
Before the 3rd session of the OEWG, GAHP consulted its members and, on that basis, submitted written comments to UNEP on the key texts under negotiation. GAHP joined the preparatory regional and stakeholder consultations conducted on June 16, 2024, and participated as a very active observer during the whole OEWG-3 Session, working with other non-governmental actors to influence the government negotiators. A GAHP suggestion formed the basis of a compromise that unblocked a difficult discussion on finance, even if our solution simply pushed the issues to a future meeting.