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Reducing unsafe agricultural practices in Vietnam

With funding from the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) as part of its Environmental Pollution Program (EPP), GAHP is working with partners in Vietnam to address the environmental and health impacts of open burning and pesticide use in Vietnam.

Following on from feedback for further cross-country collaboration after the End of Year 1 Environmental Pollution Programme (EPP) Workshop in April 2023, the Defra team have been working on the terms of reference for an Environmental Pollution Forum (EPF). The EPF will assist the delivery partners Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (GAHP) in securing the long-term legacy of the EPP. This will be a voluntary forum for knowledge exchange, with members invited from each EPP scoping year country, alongside a technical expert nominated by JNCC and GAHP from South Africa and Vietnam. The EPP countries will rotationally chair the EPF, and the Secretariat function will be provided by Defra.

The group will meet twice annually through a virtual platform via the technical working group and end of year workshops. We are working to schedule the first meeting at the start of November.