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1 FEB | GAHP's involvement in source identification and apportionment methods roundtable

In a bid to push the boundaries of our understanding of pollution, GAHP joined the Roundtable on Source Identification and Apportionment Methods this past January, organized by the Center for Global Development. This enlightening gathering brought together experts and thought leaders to investigate innovative methods for identifying and attributing pollution sources.

At the heart of this impactful event was our very own GAHP Board Member, Rachel Silverman Bonnifield, who played a pivotal role in steering discussions and orchestrating presentations.

We are thrilled to share the fruits of this endeavour with our community. This initiative aligns seamlessly with GAHP's mission to address pollution at its roots, providing evidence-based solutions for a healthier and more sustainable future. By actively participating in forums such as the Roundtable, GAHP continues to contribute to the global dialogue on pollution, shaping policies, and fostering collaborative efforts.